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Dr. Mah Sue Lynn

Open Science Tools / University of Nottingham

I am a Science Officer at Open Science Tools, home of PsychoPy, Pavlovia and PsychoJS. I graduated from the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus with a degree in Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience and did my PhD in Psychology in the UK campus investigating how personality traits and cultural orientation influence learning and attention. Throughout my academic journey, I have been using PsychoPy to create my experiments and collect data. Now I spend my days helping people create experiments as well as supporting our users through workshops, consultancy jobs and Youtube content!

Online Workshop 

Taking Experiments Online with PsychoPy & Pavlovia

PsychoPy is a free, open source, software for running behavioural studies that now supports online experiments through integration with In this session we will demonstrate the basics of pushing a study online from PsychoPy, how to view the data and how to make the most of Pavlovia; for example, by using the thousands of publicly available experiments shared by the PsychoPy community.

MAPSA 2022

University of Nottingham Malaysia

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